Next “work in progress” project I want to share with you is gonna be a German Navy (Marineflieger) Panavia Tornado IDS. I always liked the old-school look of white-grey Tornados armed with Kormoran anti-ship missiles, dashing low over Baltic Sea and that’s my vision I’ll try to recreate.

The kit I will be using is good old Revell Tornado in 1:72. I plan to build it pretty much out of the box with one noticeable exception – the only thing that doesn’t look good to my eyes is the nose area being too pointy. I found Dr. Peppers resin nose replacement and ordered Part metal pitot and AoA sensors while decals will come from Modeldecal sheet. Italeri’s weapon set will donate the Kormorans for the project and Revell’s NATO pilots set, the crew.

Cockpit is mostly done but not just finished yet. A little bit of washing and drybrushing brought most of the details out, but with the pilots inside and closed canopy, little of it will be seen in the end.





As I mentioned before, I’ll be using Dr. Peppers resin nose replacement. One has to cut the front fuselage parts, but since the cut follows the vertical panel line, this task is rather simple. And it looks much better now than before.