Hi everybody! It seems that nothing much has been done in the past week but you probably know that feeling, when you spend hours on the model kit and little can be seen done. Well such tedious tasks were keeping me busy in the recent days. You may still remember (if not, check the previous post) of the nasty gap that appeared on starboard side of resin nose to fuselage join. That was taken care of, as well as all rescribing that was required around the nose as well as on the lower part of the fuselage. Pilots from Revell NATO set were painted according to some reference photos – day-glo orange suits with olive drab jackets. Trying to sit them in the ejection seats revealed they are too big and serious leg amputation surgeries followed, so they could be seated in the cockpit. Harnesses were done using thin Tamiya tape stripes. With all of this work done, it’s time to mask and fix the clear parts (dryfit looks good) and slowly prepare her for painting.



See you next time!